April 2017
This past Sunday, Bob and I both spoke in sacrament meeting. As
part of my talk, I shared a couple of personal experiences that I’d also like
to share here.
addition, I used a quote and a story from the following two talks – which are
both awesome! — https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2007/04/using-the-supernal-gift-of-prayer?lang=eng and
Once I became a parent, my appreciation for the gift of prayer
increased dramatically. There are too many things about parenting that make us
realize we really need help.
For instance, one of our sons was as a child who — practically
from the moment he could walk — would just disappear. He would decide to go
somewhere, and he’d be gone, and never communicate with anyone.
(In his mind, he knew what he was doing, so what was the problem?) No
matter how many ways we disciplined him, or punished him, or, as he got older,
tried to reason with him, his behavior did not fundamentally change.
I'm sure most of you can relate to the kind of fear that enters
the heart of a parent when a child is missing. Because of this child,
one of the things I learned early on was that, when I was trying to find him, I
could first stop and say a prayer — so that I knew he was okay — that he was
not in harm’s way. Then, once I felt that peace and comfort of knowing he was
safe, wherever he was, I could go about the process of searching for him with
relative calmness.
As he got older, and in his teens, (this was before cell phones
and texting were available) there were many times when he was gone and I had no
idea where he was or when he planned to be home. A few times, on those
occasions, I prayed, and asked Heavenly Father if He would please have the Holy
Spirit prompt our son to call home. Each time, within less than an hour, I
would get a phone call. I truly rejoice that Heavenly Father heard and
answered my prayers and that our son was attuned
enough to the spirit to respond to the promptings he received at that time.
One other experience I’ll share happened a few years ago, while
I was employed full-time. I needed to drive to a class that was being held a
couple of hours away from where we lived. I had everything in the car, and once
I was behind the wheel, said a prayer for my trip. Before I even finished my
prayer, I heard a very loud prompting that said, “Check the oil!” This was an
older car, and we sometimes needed to add oil. So, I got out, lifted the hood,
and sure enough, the dip stick indicated the oil was extremely low.
Fortunately, we had several cans of the right weight in the garage, so I filled
the oil and was quickly on my way.
But, if I had not stopped to pray, or, if I had not heeded
the prompting I received, I could have ruined the engine. I most likely would
not have made it to my destination, and we would have had both the expense and
the inconvenience of having to tow and repair, or possibly, even, replace that
car – not to mention being without the use of it for any number of days. I am
filled with gratitude that a loving Heavenly Father cares enough about me and
my family to tell me to check the oil in an old car!
It is a reminder that we are all safely in His hands, and He is
waiting to bless us.
Prayer truly is a precious gift!